Kaltura – Add or Edit Captions on your Videos
Fully automatic (machine) captions are created by default for any new media uploaded to your Kaltura My Media repository. Machine captions do not generally meet accessibility requirements, but Kaltura offers tools that let you review and edit/improve your transcript(s). Note: the captions are created after the video is uploaded and rendered; there is a short delay before they are available.
To request machine captions for older media or request media be captioned in a different language:
- Log in to canvas.unm.edu.
- In the Global Navigation, Click Account > My Media.
Note: If you are accessing Kaltura for the first time inside of Canvas, you may be asked to Authorize the Kaltura Tools in your account.
- Your My Media repository will load.
- Click the checkbox to the left of the video you wish to add captions to.
- Click Actions > Caption & Enrich.
The Order Captions & Enrichment Services will load. Here you can order machine captions by selecting a language (English, Spanish) from the dropdown, and the feature you are requesting.
- Select Machine, the preferred language, Captions.
- Click Submit.
Edit Captions on Your Video
In order to edit captions, you’ll need to ensure the video has captions applied. If it doesn’t, you can request captions for your video before proceeding to the steps below. To edit captions:
- Log in to canvas.unm.edu.
- In the Global Navigation, Click Account > My Media.
Note: If you are accessing Kaltura for the first time inside of Canvas, you may be asked to Authorize the Kaltura Tools in your account.
- Your My Media repository will load.
- Click the edit (pencil) icon to the right of the video you wish to edit captions for.
- Click the captions tab below the video.
- Click Edit Captions.
- Select a caption file to edit in the Captions dropdown menu.
- Make any desired edits to the captions. *Note: For a full demonstration on using the caption editor, refer to the video linked below.
- Click Save.