Supporting Accessibility
Improve the usability and accessibility of your content with Ally
With the support of Provost Holloway, the Academic Technologies Advisory Board, the Accessibility Resource Center, the Center for Digital Learning, and UNM Online, we are pleased to offer an accessibility tool called Ally for use in all UNM Canvas courses.
For more information about how Ally can help you make your content more accessible, consult Teachers - Using Ally.
Ally for students 
With Ally, students can click the Alternative Formats icon () to download different formats of common file types (e.g., PDFs, Word, PowerPoint, HTML). This benefits all your students because it provides formats that are appropriate for a range of devices and needs (structured PDF for assistive devices, HTML and ePub for mobile devices, MP3 for audio, electronic braille for braille readers, etc.). For more information about how students can access alternative formats, consult Viewing Content – Alternative Formats.
Accessibility within Canvas
Ensuring an accessible and pleasant experience to all users, regardless of disability, is a key element of Canvas software. The Canvas platform was built using the most modern HTML and CSS technologies, and is committed to W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative and Section 508 guidelines.
Making Accommodations for Assessments in UNM Canvas
- Differentiated Due Dates for Assignments
- Extended Time for Classic Quizzes
- Accommodations for Students in New Quizzes
If you have any concerns regarding the functionality of the UNM Canvas application in relation to accessibility, please contact the UNM Canvas Support team.
Campus resources for students with a disability 
The UNM Accessibility Resource Center provides comprehensive resources to the University community in order tocreate equitable, inclusive, and practical learning environments. They can help faculty and students with course accommodations and may be able to help provide students with access to adaptive technology that can help them use UNM Canvas courses. The Accessibility Resource Center website contains a listing of computer labs and adaptive software available to Resource Center clients.