System Status & Alerts 
Canvas is a cloud application that is hosted by the vendor, Instructure, but managed by UNM IT Academic Technologies. Canvas has an uptime rating of 99.9%. However, if Canvas is not working, or if it is behaving incorrectly, you can check to see if Canvas is experiencing a system outage or other critical issues.
Check the status of Canvas and its features:
For issues that mention a specific region, UNM Canvas is in the PDX region.
Please note that UNM does not use some features listed, such as Conferences, since UNM already has a Zoom license for that functionality.
Scheduled maintenance windows for Canvas
The maintenance window for Canvas is displayed below the "Time Zone" field in User Settings page. To find it, go to the Global Navigation menu > click on the "Account" link at the top > click on "Settings" > the Maintenance schedule will be listed below the Time Zone field.
If you have any issues with Canvas, please let us know. You can also try the task you were attempting in Canvas again after a few minutes as some interruptions may be brief.
UNM IT Alerts
If you are having an issue logging in with Microsoft Azure or having a network issue on campus, check UNM IT Alerts to see if there are any reported outages/issues. If none are reported, please contact the UNM IT Service Desk at 505-277-5757.
We will make a best effort to document significant Canvas service interruptions that impact multiple users on UNM IT Alerts. Links on where to look for information regarding outages for integrated third-party tools appears below.
To check the status of any integrated services:
Ally Status
Check the status of our accessibility tool, Ally.
After clicking the link scroll down and click the "+" next to "Americas" to see the Ally status.
Cengage Status
Check the status of all Cengage products such as Mindtap and WebAssign.
iClicker Status
Check the status of the polling tool, iClicker.
GoReact Status
Check the status of the video assessment platform, GoReact.
Kaltura Status
Check the status of our primary media solution, Kaltura, including Kaltura Reach.
Please note that some places in Canvas do not have the Kaltura options in the Rich Content Editor and instead use a simplified Canvas built-in media tool. For the status of that tool, check Canvas status above.
Macmillan Achieve Status
Check the status of our integration, Macmillan Achieve.
McGraw-Hill Status
Check the status of McGraw-Hill products such as ALEKS, and Connect.
Norton Status
Check the status of Norton products such as InQuizitive, and Smartwork.
Pearson Status
Check the status of all Pearson products such as Revel and MyLab & Mastering.
RedShelf Status
Check the status of our Inclusive Access integration, RedShelf.
Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor Status
Check the status of Respondus Lockdown Browser & Monitor.
Sage Vantage Status
Check the status of our Inclusive Access integration, Sage Vantage.
Turnitin Status
Check the status of our plagiarism detection integration, Turnitin.
WileyPLUS Status
Check the status of our Inclusive Access integration, WileyPLUS.
Zoom Status
Check the status of our web-conferencing solution, Zoom.
Canvas is blocked in some countries. See Which countries are restricted from using Canvas? for more information.