UNM Canvas Terms of Use

Last updated: 4 Jan 2024


By accessing UNM Canvas, you acknowledge and agree to these Terms of Use.


These Terms of Use may be updated without notice.

Acceptable Computer Use

By accessing UNM Canvas, users agree to comply with all UNM policies, including, but not limited to UNM’s Acceptable Information and Information System Use policy (2500) and UNM’s Accessing and Safeguarding Personally Identifiable and Controlled Information policy (2520).


FERPA (the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) is a federal law protecting the confidentiality of student records. The information in the Canvas Learning Management System and integrated tools (e.g., Kaltura, Zoom) contain educational records that fall under the scope of FERPA law. An education record refers to any student information that the University maintains, in any format. For example, paper transcripts, online class schedules, and the information that you can access via the Canvas LMS (e.g., grades, discussion posts, Student ID numbers, course roster, and videos/media containing student names, voices, or likeness) are part of a student’s educational record. An educational record is always confidential. 

Anyone who accesses student data in Canvas, including Instructors/Teachers and their course assistants, is legally required to comply with FERPA. This requirement does not apply to students taking a course. The AACRAO FERPA Training for UNM Personnel (EOD 795) in Learning Central is recommended annually for anyone who is required to comply with FERPA.  

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) 

UNM is committed to protecting the privacy of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) that it collects in order to provide services in accordance with UNM’s privacy statement. Incidental PII is collected by the UNM Canvas system to authenticate users and to authorize users to specific course content; however, PII (e.g., Protected Health Information (PHI) or other information subject to HIPAA), Social Security Numbers, etc., should never be placed in UNM Canvas. More information about what PII is and how UNM protects PII can be found at Privacy.UNM. 

Academic Integrity 

Student users of UNM Canvas certify that they are authorized by UNM to use the NetID, password, and/ or other authentication credentials to access UNM Canvas. Students further certify that they understand the prohibited actions as described in UNM’sAcademic Dishonestypolicy and that any violations of this policy may be charged under theStudent Code of Conductin accordance with theStudent Grievance Procedure, all of which can be found in The Pathfinder(UNM Student Handbook).