Identify team to build Request for Proposal (RFP) for a new LMS
Build RFP
Build questions for RFP
Identify detailed use cases for proposal questions
Create minimum/must-have requirements for proposal
Spring 2020
Issue RFP
Identify RFP scoring committee
Delay: Focus redirected to COVID-19 Academic Continuity projects
Summer 2020
Score RFP submissions to identify top 3 finalists
Create evaluation plan
Set up and configure 3 Learning Management System (LMS) test sites
Delay: Focus redirected to COVID-19 Academic Continuity projects
Fall 2020
Begin RFP Evaluation projects
Invite UNM Community, including faculty and students, to participate in evaluating the 3 LMS finalists
Build support plan and contacts for project
Draft and send communications
Create process to enable UNM Community participation within Procurement requirements. Build registration form for evaluation participants including non-disclosure agreement.
Create a collaborative Teams space for UNM Community to provide resources and information about the evaluation process. Manage and respond to discussions.
Provide sandboxes for each instructor and staff participant in each LMS
Work with each LMS vendor to provide sample and training courses for evaluation participants
Set up and help lead vendor sessions for faculty, students, and LMS staff
Weekly meetings for LMS staff with each LMS finalist
Set up and help lead weekly office hours for each LMS vendor for the UNM Community to attend if they want to ask questions
Set up process to route questions to each vendor (separate from office hours sessions) and provide answers back to UNM community
Build task-based surveys for participants to test out functionality and provide feedback on each LMS
Collect feedback from participants
Spring 2021
Complete Evaluation Project
Analyze feedback collected
Select top finalist
Create findings report
Contract negotiations and security review
Contract finalized
RFP awarded to Canvas
Announce finalist, Canvas
Kickoff meeting with vendor, meet our Canvas CSM and Project Consultant. Began weekly calls with them.
Kickoff separate process for piloting a Canvas instance for Continuing Education
Delay: Blackboard Learn upgrade to 3900 in May 2021
Summer 2021
Canvas Implementation kickoff
Kickoff meeting for implementation team members
Get access to Canvas production system
Select URL for Canvas system
Implement vanity URL (
LMS and CTL staff start attending Canvas trainings through the UNM Canvas Portal
Branding for Canvas, complying with both UNM and Instructure Canvas branding guideline
Begin Implementation Tasks
Set up Azure authentication
Determine field mapping and method for adding Banner user accounts
Test impact of user data changes (e.g., NetID change) on existing Canvas data (e.g., submissions and grades)
Evaluate and configure Canvas account settings
Evaluate and configure Teacher and Student course roles
Test and implement CSS and JavaScript customizations.
Develop and implement maintenance plan for customizations.
Develop method for checking new and changed settings for bi-weekly deploys and monthly Canvas release updates.
Determine protocols for staff sandboxes
Set up Confluence area to document internal procedures
Begin testing exports for bulk migration
Develop Learn-to-Canvas comparison document
Blackboard Learn Demise Planning
Including course content migration, course content exports, and archives for data retention. Blackboard Learn contract original end date was 8/31/22.
Fall 2021
Continue Canvas Implementation tasks
Build subaccount structure
Map Banner SIS fields for departments, courses, and sections for Banner integration
Evaluate course settings
Evaluate user settings
Provide sandboxes to LMS and CTL staff
Customize Help menu in Canvas
Start building integration between Banner and Canvas for users, courses, sections, student enrollments, instructor assignments, and drops
Develop process for adding new Banner users ad hoc
Finalize branding
Evaluate and configure Canvas settings and feature options based on testing and research
Evaluate other account level settings
Determine protocols and procedures for creating and managing faculty sandboxes
Determine course quotas
Begin meeting with Instructure Strategic Consultant
Worked with Instructure Instructional Designer to build UNM template
Instructor access to begin training
Develop and implement plan to give faculty access to Canvas and its training portal and sandbox courses
Pull report of all instructors that taught in Spring, Summer, or Fall 2021
Add UNM user accounts to Canvas
Create a sandbox for each instructor
Create form and process for new instructors and instructional support staff to request a sandbox course
Create documentation for this phase focused around sandbox courses, Canvas training portal, getting started in Canvas, and how to get support
Develop and execute communication plans for this phase
Spring opt-in plan (canceled later in Fall semester due to resource and time contraints, partially stemming from Learn upgrade)
Start tasks for Spring opt-in and prioritizing settings, roles, etc. needed for this phase
Work with apps team to modify and test the web-enhancement application in LoboWeb
Work with UNM Scheduling Office to develop Banner codes for new Canvas LMS and the procedures for opt-in.
Develop application for students to determine which system their course is in (Blackboard or Canvas)
Develop request form for courses that are scheduled to use the LMS to opt in to Canvas. Work with branch Deans of Instruction to include additional considerations for branch courses
Develop and test process for instructors who opt in to Canvas but determine they need to use Learn instead
Pilot canceled
Migration tasks
Develop an application for exporting all courses (content, not student data) from UNM Learn
Build database for storing manifest (instructor-of-record, TA, course name, course id, etc.) information for exported courses
Complete exports for courses prior to Fall 2021
Meet with migration specialists at Instructure for bulk migration of courses from Learn to Canvas
Develop and test bulk migration plan including location and state of migrated courses in Canvas
Begin bulk migrating Summer 2021 courses
Extensive validation testing of migrated course to develop documentation on the migration process, including specifics for different Learn tools and content types, missing content, gotchas, etc.
Continue Learn Demise Planning
Look for a student data archive solution that will meet with state regulations on record retention
Meet with K16, the vendor that will handle archiving courses for student data retention and migration for some AOP courses
Validate test data for the retention archive solution and work with vendor on solutions to issues Meet with K16, the vendor that will handle archiving courses for data retention and migration for some AOP courses
Discussions with Blackboard and IT leadership about the possibility and cost to extend access to Blackboard via a limited license to serve as a reference for faculty during course migration (not for student instruction)
Integrations/External Apps
Begin third-party integrations
Develop task tracking template for integrations
Reach out to vendors for first batch of integrations to request HECVAT, installation instructions, any changes to the tool and the data it sends/collects
Configure and test Kaltura in Canvas test environment and started creating documentation
Configure and test Zoom in Canvas test environment and started creating documentation
Configure and test LibGuides in Canvas test environment
Configure and test the Redirect tool
Publish documentation for the Redirect tool
Monthly e-mail updates to Learn instructors and course design and support staff
Monthly online Canvas chat sessions to provide implementation updates to the UNM community
Develop Bridge to Canvas training course
Complete pilot for Continuing Education Canvas instance. Finalize contract for future use.
Delay: Emergency Learn upgrade
Spring 2022
Continue Canvas Implementation
Evaluate options for course assistant roles. Configure and test TA and Designer roles.
Develop and implement framework for non-Banner courses. Configure and test enrollment management options. Pilot with Digital Learning at Center for Teaching and Learning. Plan for migration of non-Banner courses. Develop request form, communication plan, and documentation. Develop documentation for management of non-Banner courses.
Research, test, and document procedures for business processes: Incompletes, drops, bulk enrollment and unenrollment for non-SIS roles, etc.
Research and test section groups (Canvas cross-lists). Coordinate with Office of the Provost regarding FERPA considerations for cross-listed courses. Develop plan to address concerns.
Develop the Section Group Request application. Research which data is needed to make a section group in Canvas and build the form to output the correct data. Identify any concerns we want to warn users about regarding section groups and any helpful information to know about how section groups work in Canvas vs our old Learn system.v Modify the verbiage on the form and documentation with identified information. Test new version of the form. Build internal procedures and end-user documentation.
Work with UNM Office of Equal Opportunity to implement personal pronoun selection within Canvas. Test and configure pronouns for users to select by adding the list of pronouns available in LoboWeb to the pronoun list in Canvas.
Research the People tool to evaluate student privacy concerns.
Complete customization of integration between Banner and Canvas
Develop Banner integration test plan to include live and on-demand events for person, course section, instructor assignment/unassignment, and student enrollment/unenrollment events. Complete testing.
Process roughly 1.5 million test events from previous terms to drive out any remaining issues.
Complete configuration with Banner integration middleware.
Complete setup of automation.
Test error recovery.
Temp courses
Develop and implement plan to give faculty access to start developing content through the use of Temp course shells.
Develop naming convention and sub account structure for temp courses.
Develop and test plan for expiring old Temp courses using terms. Create terms for temp course shells and configure start and end dates.
Develop form for instructors to request Temp courses.
Develop and document support procedures around Temp course requests.
Individual Migrations
Develop and implement plan to allow instructors to request migrations for courses that have not been bulk migrated.
Develop process to export courses at command line to avoid taxing Learn resources.
Create a storage drive for export files and a database to track Learn course exports.
Develop naming conventions and protocols for migrated courses.
Develop process for support staff to access export files for migration requests.
Create request form for migration requests.
Develop and document support procedures for processing migration requests.
Continue bulk migration tasks
Export Fall 2021 courses from Learn and bulk migrate to Canvas.
Test scripts and files needed to enroll all assigned instructors to migrated courses for Summer and Fall 2021.
Begin exports for Spring 2022 courses after finals week.
Planning for go-live for summer/fall sync with Banner (April 2022)
Work with Scheduling to change Banner integration partner for summer and fall courses from BBLRN to CNVS.
Work with IT Apps team to make required changes to LoboWeb Add Web Component (web-enhancement) form for Canvas. Test and implement changes.
Develop procedure for late-enhancing spring 2022 courses to accommodate those in Learn.
Develop sync process for Canvas to populate summer and fall courses, instructors, enrollments using Banner data.
Enable live event integration between Banner and Canvas for data updates.
Develop application to manage access for online course designers.
Continue Blackboard Learn Demise Planning
Sign contract with K16 for student data retention archive solution. Provide K16 a few sample courses with examples of every type of item in Learn to push to their student data retention archive solution to test process and what elements are available. Provide feedback to vendor for improvements. Retest in iterations after updates have been made by the vendor.
Purchase limited access extension for Blackboard to allow instructors to view their Learn courses for reference purposes only once the regular Blackboard license ends in August 2022. Based on the agreement with Blackboard, no classes can be taught in Learn under the new agreement and access must be very limited.
Begin making plans on how to close out courses in Learn and how to restrict access to Learn once the limited license period begins.
Continue Integrations/External Apps
Kaltura integration (completed February 2022)
Media team hired Kaltura consultant to help with transition to Canvas.
Configure Kaltura on Canvas production instance and publish documentation for Kaltura.
Update Kaltura player in Learn to better identify media in order to help instructors who need to relink their content in Canvas.
Create form for users to get access to instructional Kaltura media.
Fix Kaltura integration to expand maximum number of courses.
Continue working on installing, configuring, testing, and building documentation for integrations listed on our External Apps page
Zoom (completed March 2022)
Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor (completed April 2022)
LibGuides (completed April 2022)
Ally (completed May 2022)
RedShelf (completed May 2022)
SCORM player (completed May 2022)
Cengage (completed May 2022)
McGraw-Hill ALEKS (completed May 2022)
McGraw-Hill Connect (completed May 2022)
Norton (completed May 2022)
Pearson MyLab/Mastering (completed May 2022)
Pearson Revel (completed May 2022)
Begin evaluating a new replacement for SafeAssign (Blackboard’s plagiarism detection tool). Delay caused by the originally chosen vendor being acquired by another company before we could finalize an agreement.
Develop script to meet College of Nursing Examsoft needs, since the tool could not be integrated directly with Canvas
Broad campus communications
Provost Dispatch to All University (ALL_UNIVERSITY-L) listserv
March 2022 – Information about Canvas for summer courses with links to information and resources
UNM New Minute
April 2022 – Temp and bulk migrated content available in Canvas
Ad in MyUNM portal about Canvas
Provide timely updates to Academic Leadership and other units, including to the following groups:
Academic Technologies Advisory Board
Faculty Senate – IT Use Committee
IT Leadership
Health Sciences Education IT Committee
UNM IT / Health Sciences IT Joint Operations Committee
Associate Provosts / Provost leadership team / Academic Affairs
Branch Chancellors / CIO meetings
Chairs Colloquium
Campus Outreach and Engagement / IT Officer Meeting
Regularly scheduled Open Labs for individualized assistance for instructors.
Monthly online Canvas Chat sessions to provide implementation updates to the UNM community.
12 Canvas Spring Training Sessions launched. Recordings available on the CTL website.
Announcement in Canvas for Teacher role to remind about publishing courses in Canvas before summer classes start.
Regular e-mail updates to Learn instructors and course design and support staff, including:
Learn Instructor (LEARN_INSTRUCTOR-L) Listserv
January 2022 – Highlighting Canvas trainings available, Sandbox Request Form, and Temp and migrated courses coming soon.
February 2022 – Availability of Temp and migrated courses.
All Faculty (ALLFAC-L) listserv
February 2022 – Availability of Temp and migrated courses.
April 2022 – Availability of Summer and Fall 2022 courses in Canvas.
June 2022 – Reminder about multiple training opportunities available for Canvas.
New Canvas Instructor (CANVAS_INSTRUCTOR-L) Listserv
April 2022 - Send first communication to Canvas Instructor Listserv announcing Summer and Fall 2022 courses are now available in UNM Canvas.
May 2022 - Send update about Section Groups are now available and other integrated tools now in Canvas.
May 2022 – Send Canvas information for summer 2022 courses.
June 2022 - Send reminder to Instructors to publish courses in Canvas before start of Summer 2022.
Welcome Email to Summer Online Main Campus instructors - May 2022
Student updates & communications
Meet with New Student Orientation team to update information about the Learning Management System, Canvas, that replaced Learn.
Work with the IT Communication and Marketing team to develop communication plan and graphics for digital signage, flyers, emails, and social media posts.
Send email All Students (ALLSTU-L) listserv in April 2022 about Canvas coming starting Summer 2022 courses with links to documentation and an overview/tutorial on Canvas.
Communications with various departments around campus to help spread the word, including Deans, Chairs, Academic Operations Officers, Departmental Administrators, Advisors, Student Services, GPSA, ASUNM, etc., and an update at Campus Outreach meeting.
Digital Signage around UNM Campus (SUB, libraries, etc.) about Canvas.
Work with IT Apps team to make changes to MyUNM portal, including replacing UNM Learn icon in upper-right with Canvas, updating links on Student Life, Faculty Life, Student Guide and other areas in the portal to point to Canvas resources, instead of Learn.
Work with IT Communication Team to place Canvas information graphic on MyUNM homepage.
Reach out to various departments around campus that have sites with information about Learn to ask they be updated for Canvas.
Work with Accessibility Resource Center on documentation needed for students that need accommodations in Canvas.
Place announcement on Learn login page and within Learn near start of Summer to direct students to Canvas for Summer courses.
Work with Scheduling Office and IT Apps team to update information about remote meeting rooms in the Class Schedule.
Center for Teaching Learning (CTL) Team updates
Add four project assistants to the CTL team to support transition to Canvas. Funding provided by Provost’s Office and remaining CARES act.
Complete planning and business process for CTL user in online courses. This user allows for personalized and timely support in Online courses.
Test and calibrate migration by K16 High Touch migration service for summer Accelerated Online Program courses.
Make CTL Course Template available in Canvas Commons.
UNM Canvas Support Team updates
Obtain approval from CIO to hire four additional student employees to help with the UNM Canvas Support desk.
Update phone ACD system for support line.
Update the Oracle Service Cloud (FastInfo/StudentInfo) ticketing system to add Canvas as a category.
Update knowledgebase articles in FastInfo (for instructors) and StudentInfo (for students).
Create triage for UNM Canvas Support Team on using available API calls and other support tools in Canvas.
Create triage for after-hours support provider, Embanet, to use.
Create support procedures for UNM Canvas Support Team in internal wiki tool.
Continuous documentation updates/improvements to
Create student materials – Student Resources, Overview of Canvas, and Why Can’t I See My Course in Canvas.
Create new instructor materials – Roles in Canvas, Web-Enhance Your Course, How to Get Support, Terms of Use, Start of Semester Checklist, Getting Started, Section Groups, Temp Course, Common Type of Canvas Courses, Why Can’t I or My Students See My Course, and a Comparison Chart.
Update existing instructor resources – What's New in UNM Canvas, Instructor Guide, Migration Options, Migration Cleanup Checklist, External Apps, System Status & Alerts, and There’s a Form for That.
Create several integration help pages (e.g. RedShelf, Kaltura, Zoom, Respondus, etc.).
Continuous adjustment to documentation and support procedures based on user feedback, support trends, and other lessons learned
Summer 2022
All Online, Accelerated Online Program, Hybrid, and Web-Enhanced courses now in Canvas
Continue implementation tasks
Continue to meet with the Instructure Strategic Consultant about topics/questions we have
After find a FERPA concern with the built-in +People tool that can be used to add TAs and other course assistants, we will evaluate other options to add/manage course assistants. Build a support form for requests to add/remove a course assistant as a temporary solution until a permanent solution can be found.
Adjust when Temp courses switch to read-only to accommodate intersession and late starting classes
Unhide People menu item in courses for students based on feedback and so students can self-sign up for Groups
Develop plan, documentation, request form, procedures, communication plan, etc., to move existing non-Banner courses from Learn over to Canvas
Continue to research available Feature Options, especially those centered around grading, such as Anonymous Grading, Moderated Grading, Final Grade Override, and Quiz Log Auditing, to see if they should be on or off. Leave off those that don’t function properly, still need more development, or that could cause issues in courses if used incorrectly.
Work continuously with vendor on some big issues we’ve found, such as Ally not working for some CTL course designers, shared Item Banks not showing up under Course Banks, and Admin team being unable to view full information for some users.
Update branding to work with new mobile dark mode
Test and plan for Information Technology changes that impact our services
Evaluate CAS-backed-by-Azure change that impacts some of our applications, such as the Section Group Request Form. Make adjustments as needed.
Implement SAML Proxy change that allows HSC users to log in with their @salud email address, instead of having to use the email address
Update links after rollout of new site
Migration tasks
Export Spring 2022 courses from Learn and work with vendor to bulk migrate to Canvas
Work with vendor on AOP high touch migration
Migrate individual courses upon request for terms that are not included in the bulk migration requests
Continue Blackboard Learn demise planning
Implement changes to limit access to Blackboard Learn
Turn off Learn as a server in the Respondus LDB settings
Change link in MyUNM from Learn to Canvas week of May 23rd
Scale back to just one instance of Learn instead of 5
Scale back production nodes from 10 to 3
Rewrite scaled-back test plan for future upgrades
Close out Respondus course that was used to distribute files and information in Learn
Disable Banner integration
No Summer classes offered in Learn, however:
Work with faculty on wrapping up Incompletes to be done in Learn by June 11th or move them to Canvas
Push to move remaining non-Banner courses still running to Canvas by Aug 19th
Work with units around campus to remove mentions of Learn, including emails regarding where to find end of semester surveys
Change Learn maintenance schedule to complete maintenance during business hours instead of on weekends
Continue testing student data archive service and provide feedback to vendor for improvements
Develop documentation page on changes to Learn as we prepare for the license restriction and eventual demise of Learn
Continue Integrations/External Apps
Any changes to Zoom or Kaltura?
Kaltura – Add LTI parameter to My Media tool in the event the tool is called to handle playback (is this for the issue with embedded content in group discussion?)
Continue working on installing, configuring, testing, and building documentation for integrations listed on our External Apps page
iClicker July 2022
Respondus 4.0 June 2022
Evaluate integration for EvaluationKit (renamed Course Evaluations and Surveys by vendor, Watermark)
Continue to evaluate the replacement for SafeAssign (Blackboard’s plagiarism detection tool).
Continue to provide timely updates to Academic Leadership and other units, including to the following groups
Academic Technologies Advisory Board
Faculty Senate
IT Leadership
Health Sciences Education IT Committee
Associate Provosts / Provost leadership team / Academic Affairs
Campus Outreach and Engagement / IT Officer Meeting
Broad campus communications
All University list
Instructor training and communications
Get Set Reset August 2022
Continue to offer weekly Bridge to Canvas courses
Continue to offer regularly scheduled Open Labs for individualized assistance
Have you published your course?
Regular e-mail updates
Learn instructor list
All Faculty list
Canvas Instructor list
5/26 Start of Semester Email
6/3 Publish reminder
Online Instructors Welcome Email
Continue work on campus-wide initiatives
Digital signage around campus
Announcement/Ad in MyUNM Portal
Shared signage with branch contacts
Login page update and Important Notice announcement in Learn pointing students to Canvas
Work with Scheduling to update the rooms and text in the UNM Class Schedule to say UNM Canvas instead of UNM Learn
Created some UNM Canvas StudentInfo articles
Start preparing for August communications for start of Fall semester
Begin preparing palm cards for IT’s table at the Welcome Back Days
Message to All Students listserv
Welcome Email UNM Online sends to their students
Continuous documentation updates/improvements to
Affirmed/Preferred Name and Pronouns
Start-of-Semester Checklist
Add Search bar
Index page
Where is My Course - for Instructors
Getting Started
Temp Courses
Sandbox Courses
Common Types of Courses
Migration Options
Migration Cleanup Checklist
Why Can't I See My Course - for Students
Continuous adjustments to documentation and support procedures based on user feedback, support trends, and other lessons learned
CTL Updates
Support instructors in checking, revising, and/or rebuilding accelerated online program courses that received high-touch migration service
UNM Canvas Support Team updates
Continuously update FastInfo articles as project progresses
Create limited admin roles for student support staff and media support staff
Mandatory upgrade of Learn to Learn 3900.39 in June 2022
Fall 2022
All online, hybrid, and web-enhanced courses will be in Canvas in Fall 2022.
Continue implementation tasks as needed
Fall 2019
Identify team to build Request for Proposal (RFP) for a new LMS
Build RFP
Build questions for RFP
Identify detailed use cases for proposal questions
Create minimum/must-have requirements for proposal
Spring 2020
Issue RFP
Identify RFP scoring committee
Delay: Focus redirected to COVID-19 Academic Continuity projects
Summer 2020
Score RFP submissions to identify top 3 finalists
Create evaluation plan
Set up and configure 3 Learning Management System (LMS) test sites
Delay: Focus redirected to COVID-19 Academic Continuity projects
Fall 2020
Begin RFP Evaluation projects
Invite UNM Community, including faculty and students, to participate in evaluating the 3 LMS finalists
Build support plan and contacts for project
Draft and send communications
Create process to enable UNM Community participation within Procurement requirements. Build registration form for evaluation participants including non-disclosure agreement.
Create a collaborative Teams space for UNM Community to provide resources and information about the evaluation process. Manage and respond to discussions.
Provide sandboxes for each instructor and staff participant in each LMS
Work with each LMS vendor to provide sample and training courses for evaluation participants
Set up and help lead vendor sessions for faculty, students, and LMS staff
Weekly meetings for LMS staff with each LMS finalist
Set up and help lead weekly office hours for each LMS vendor for the UNM Community to attend if they want to ask questions
Set up process to route questions to each vendor (separate from office hours sessions) and provide answers back to UNM community
Build task-based surveys for participants to test out functionality and provide feedback on each LMS
Collect feedback from participants
Spring 2021
Complete Evaluation Project
Analyze feedback collected
Select top finalist
Create findings report
Contract negotiations and security review
Contract finalized
RFP awarded to Canvas
Announce finalist, Canvas
Kickoff meeting with vendor, meet our Canvas CSM and Project Consultant. Began weekly calls with them.
Kickoff separate process for piloting a Canvas instance for Continuing Education
Delay: Blackboard Learn upgrade to 3900 in May 2021
Summer 2021
Canvas Implementation kickoff
Kickoff meeting for implementation team members
Get access to Canvas production system
Select URL for Canvas system
Implement vanity URL (
LMS and CTL staff start attending Canvas trainings through the UNM Canvas Portal
Branding for Canvas, complying with both UNM and Instructure Canvas branding guideline
Begin Implementation Tasks
Set up Azure authentication
Determine field mapping and method for adding Banner user accounts
Test impact of user data changes (e.g., NetID change) on existing Canvas data (e.g., submissions and grades)
Evaluate and configure Canvas account settings
Evaluate and configure Teacher and Student course roles
Test and implement CSS and JavaScript customizations.
Develop and implement maintenance plan for customizations.
Develop method for checking new and changed settings for bi-weekly deploys and monthly Canvas release updates.
Determine protocols for staff sandboxes
Set up Confluence area to document internal procedures
Begin testing exports for bulk migration
Develop Learn-to-Canvas comparison document
Blackboard Learn Demise Planning
Including course content migration, course content exports, and archives for data retention. Blackboard Learn contract original end date was 8/31/22.
Fall 2021
Continue Canvas Implementation tasks
Build subaccount structure
Map Banner SIS fields for departments, courses, and sections for Banner integration
Evaluate course settings
Evaluate user settings
Provide sandboxes to LMS and CTL staff
Customize Help menu in Canvas
Start building integration between Banner and Canvas for users, courses, sections, student enrollments, instructor assignments, and drops
Develop process for adding new Banner users ad hoc
Finalize branding
Evaluate and configure Canvas settings and feature options based on testing and research
Evaluate other account level settings
Determine protocols and procedures for creating and managing faculty sandboxes
Determine course quotas
Begin meeting with Instructure Strategic Consultant
Worked with Instructure Instructional Designer to build UNM template
Instructor access to begin training
Develop and implement plan to give faculty access to Canvas and its training portal and sandbox courses
Pull report of all instructors that taught in Spring, Summer, or Fall 2021
Add UNM user accounts to Canvas
Create a sandbox for each instructor
Create form and process for new instructors and instructional support staff to request a sandbox course
Create documentation for this phase focused around sandbox courses, Canvas training portal, getting started in Canvas, and how to get support
Develop and execute communication plans for this phase
Spring opt-in plan (canceled later in Fall semester due to resource and time contraints, partially stemming from Learn upgrade)
Start tasks for Spring opt-in and prioritizing settings, roles, etc. needed for this phase
Work with apps team to modify and test the web-enhancement application in LoboWeb
Work with UNM Scheduling Office to develop Banner codes for new Canvas LMS and the procedures for opt-in.
Develop application for students to determine which system their course is in (Blackboard or Canvas)
Develop request form for courses that are scheduled to use the LMS to opt in to Canvas. Work with branch Deans of Instruction to include additional considerations for branch courses
Develop and test process for instructors who opt in to Canvas but determine they need to use Learn instead
Pilot canceled
Migration tasks
Develop an application for exporting all courses (content, not student data) from UNM Learn
Build database for storing manifest (instructor-of-record, TA, course name, course id, etc.) information for exported courses
Complete exports for courses prior to Fall 2021
Meet with migration specialists at Instructure for bulk migration of courses from Learn to Canvas
Develop and test bulk migration plan including location and state of migrated courses in Canvas
Begin bulk migrating Summer 2021 courses
Extensive validation testing of migrated course to develop documentation on the migration process, including specifics for different Learn tools and content types, missing content, gotchas, etc.
Continue Learn Demise Planning
Look for a student data archive solution that will meet with state regulations on record retention
Meet with K16, the vendor that will handle archiving courses for student data retention and migration for some AOP courses
Validate test data for the retention archive solution and work with vendor on solutions to issues Meet with K16, the vendor that will handle archiving courses for data retention and migration for some AOP courses
Discussions with Blackboard and IT leadership about the possibility and cost to extend access to Blackboard via a limited license to serve as a reference for faculty during course migration (not for student instruction)
Integrations/External Apps
Begin third-party integrations
Develop task tracking template for integrations
Reach out to vendors for first batch of integrations to request HECVAT, installation instructions, any changes to the tool and the data it sends/collects
Configure and test Kaltura in Canvas test environment and started creating documentation
Configure and test Zoom in Canvas test environment and started creating documentation
Configure and test LibGuides in Canvas test environment
Configure and test the Redirect tool
Publish documentation for the Redirect tool
Monthly e-mail updates to Learn instructors and course design and support staff
Monthly online Canvas chat sessions to provide implementation updates to the UNM community
Develop Bridge to Canvas training course
Complete pilot for Continuing Education Canvas instance. Finalize contract for future use.
Delay: Emergency Learn upgrade
Spring 2022
Continue Canvas Implementation
Evaluate options for course assistant roles. Configure and test TA and Designer roles.
Develop and implement framework for non-Banner courses. Configure and test enrollment management options. Pilot with Digital Learning at Center for Teaching and Learning. Plan for migration of non-Banner courses. Develop request form, communication plan, and documentation. Develop documentation for management of non-Banner courses.
Research, test, and document procedures for business processes: Incompletes, drops, bulk enrollment and unenrollment for non-SIS roles, etc.
Research and test section groups (Canvas cross-lists). Coordinate with Office of the Provost regarding FERPA considerations for cross-listed courses. Develop plan to address concerns.
Develop the Section Group Request application. Research which data is needed to make a section group in Canvas and build the form to output the correct data. Identify any concerns we want to warn users about regarding section groups and any helpful information to know about how section groups work in Canvas vs our old Learn system.v Modify the verbiage on the form and documentation with identified information. Test new version of the form. Build internal procedures and end-user documentation.
Work with UNM Office of Equal Opportunity to implement personal pronoun selection within Canvas. Test and configure pronouns for users to select by adding the list of pronouns available in LoboWeb to the pronoun list in Canvas.
Research the People tool to evaluate student privacy concerns.
Complete customization of integration between Banner and Canvas
Develop Banner integration test plan to include live and on-demand events for person, course section, instructor assignment/unassignment, and student enrollment/unenrollment events. Complete testing.
Process roughly 1.5 million test events from previous terms to drive out any remaining issues.
Complete configuration with Banner integration middleware.
Complete setup of automation.
Test error recovery.
Temp courses
Develop and implement plan to give faculty access to start developing content through the use of Temp course shells.
Develop naming convention and sub account structure for temp courses.
Develop and test plan for expiring old Temp courses using terms. Create terms for temp course shells and configure start and end dates.
Develop form for instructors to request Temp courses.
Develop and document support procedures around Temp course requests.
Individual Migrations
Develop and implement plan to allow instructors to request migrations for courses that have not been bulk migrated.
Develop process to export courses at command line to avoid taxing Learn resources.
Create a storage drive for export files and a database to track Learn course exports.
Develop naming conventions and protocols for migrated courses.
Develop process for support staff to access export files for migration requests.
Create request form for migration requests.
Develop and document support procedures for processing migration requests.
Continue bulk migration tasks
Export Fall 2021 courses from Learn and bulk migrate to Canvas.
Test scripts and files needed to enroll all assigned instructors to migrated courses for Summer and Fall 2021.
Begin exports for Spring 2022 courses after finals week.
Planning for go-live for summer/fall sync with Banner (April 2022)
Work with Scheduling to change Banner integration partner for summer and fall courses from BBLRN to CNVS.
Work with IT Apps team to make required changes to LoboWeb Add Web Component (web-enhancement) form for Canvas. Test and implement changes.
Develop procedure for late-enhancing spring 2022 courses to accommodate those in Learn.
Develop sync process for Canvas to populate summer and fall courses, instructors, enrollments using Banner data.
Enable live event integration between Banner and Canvas for data updates.
Develop application to manage access for online course designers.
Continue Blackboard Learn Demise Planning
Sign contract with K16 for student data retention archive solution. Provide K16 a few sample courses with examples of every type of item in Learn to push to their student data retention archive solution to test process and what elements are available. Provide feedback to vendor for improvements. Retest in iterations after updates have been made by the vendor.
Purchase limited access extension for Blackboard to allow instructors to view their Learn courses for reference purposes only once the regular Blackboard license ends in August 2022. Based on the agreement with Blackboard, no classes can be taught in Learn under the new agreement and access must be very limited.
Begin making plans on how to close out courses in Learn and how to restrict access to Learn once the limited license period begins.
Continue Integrations/External Apps
Kaltura integration (completed February 2022)
Media team hired Kaltura consultant to help with transition to Canvas.
Configure Kaltura on Canvas production instance and publish documentation for Kaltura.
Update Kaltura player in Learn to better identify media in order to help instructors who need to relink their content in Canvas.
Create form for users to get access to instructional Kaltura media.
Fix Kaltura integration to expand maximum number of courses.
Continue working on installing, configuring, testing, and building documentation for integrations listed on our External Apps page
Zoom (completed March 2022)
Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor (completed April 2022)
LibGuides (completed April 2022)
Ally (completed May 2022)
RedShelf (completed May 2022)
SCORM player (completed May 2022)
Cengage (completed May 2022)
McGraw-Hill ALEKS (completed May 2022)
McGraw-Hill Connect (completed May 2022)
Norton (completed May 2022)
Pearson MyLab/Mastering (completed May 2022)
Pearson Revel (completed May 2022)
Begin evaluating a new replacement for SafeAssign (Blackboard’s plagiarism detection tool). Delay caused by the originally chosen vendor being acquired by another company before we could finalize an agreement.
Develop script to meet College of Nursing Examsoft needs, since the tool could not be integrated directly with Canvas
Broad campus communications
Provost Dispatch to All University (ALL_UNIVERSITY-L) listserv
March 2022 – Information about Canvas for summer courses with links to information and resources
UNM New Minute
April 2022 – Temp and bulk migrated content available in Canvas
Ad in MyUNM portal about Canvas
Provide timely updates to Academic Leadership and other units, including to the following groups:
Academic Technologies Advisory Board
Faculty Senate – IT Use Committee
IT Leadership
Health Sciences Education IT Committee
UNM IT / Health Sciences IT Joint Operations Committee
Associate Provosts / Provost leadership team / Academic Affairs
Branch Chancellors / CIO meetings
Chairs Colloquium
Campus Outreach and Engagement / IT Officer Meeting
Regularly scheduled Open Labs for individualized assistance for instructors.
Monthly online Canvas Chat sessions to provide implementation updates to the UNM community.
12 Canvas Spring Training Sessions launched. Recordings available on the CTL website.
Announcement in Canvas for Teacher role to remind about publishing courses in Canvas before summer classes start.
Regular e-mail updates to Learn instructors and course design and support staff, including:
Learn Instructor (LEARN_INSTRUCTOR-L) Listserv
January 2022 – Highlighting Canvas trainings available, Sandbox Request Form, and Temp and migrated courses coming soon.
February 2022 – Availability of Temp and migrated courses.
All Faculty (ALLFAC-L) listserv
February 2022 – Availability of Temp and migrated courses.
April 2022 – Availability of Summer and Fall 2022 courses in Canvas.
June 2022 – Reminder about multiple training opportunities available for Canvas.
New Canvas Instructor (CANVAS_INSTRUCTOR-L) Listserv
April 2022 - Send first communication to Canvas Instructor Listserv announcing Summer and Fall 2022 courses are now available in UNM Canvas.
May 2022 - Send update about Section Groups are now available and other integrated tools now in Canvas.
May 2022 – Send Canvas information for summer 2022 courses.
June 2022 - Send reminder to Instructors to publish courses in Canvas before start of Summer 2022.
Welcome Email to Summer Online Main Campus instructors - May 2022
Student updates & communications
Meet with New Student Orientation team to update information about the Learning Management System, Canvas, that replaced Learn.
Work with the IT Communication and Marketing team to develop communication plan and graphics for digital signage, flyers, emails, and social media posts.
Send email All Students (ALLSTU-L) listserv in April 2022 about Canvas coming starting Summer 2022 courses with links to documentation and an overview/tutorial on Canvas.
Communications with various departments around campus to help spread the word, including Deans, Chairs, Academic Operations Officers, Departmental Administrators, Advisors, Student Services, GPSA, ASUNM, etc., and an update at Campus Outreach meeting.
Digital Signage around UNM Campus (SUB, libraries, etc.) about Canvas.
Work with IT Apps team to make changes to MyUNM portal, including replacing UNM Learn icon in upper-right with Canvas, updating links on Student Life, Faculty Life, Student Guide and other areas in the portal to point to Canvas resources, instead of Learn.
Work with IT Communication Team to place Canvas information graphic on MyUNM homepage.
Reach out to various departments around campus that have sites with information about Learn to ask they be updated for Canvas.
Work with Accessibility Resource Center on documentation needed for students that need accommodations in Canvas.
Place announcement on Learn login page and within Learn near start of Summer to direct students to Canvas for Summer courses.
Work with Scheduling Office and IT Apps team to update information about remote meeting rooms in the Class Schedule.
Center for Teaching Learning (CTL) Team updates
Add four project assistants to the CTL team to support transition to Canvas. Funding provided by Provost’s Office and remaining CARES act.
Complete planning and business process for CTL user in online courses. This user allows for personalized and timely support in Online courses.
Test and calibrate migration by K16 High Touch migration service for summer Accelerated Online Program courses.
Make CTL Course Template available in Canvas Commons.
UNM Canvas Support Team updates
Obtain approval from CIO to hire four additional student employees to help with the UNM Canvas Support desk.
Update phone ACD system for support line.
Update the Oracle Service Cloud (FastInfo/StudentInfo) ticketing system to add Canvas as a category.
Update knowledgebase articles in FastInfo (for instructors) and StudentInfo (for students).
Create triage for UNM Canvas Support Team on using available API calls and other support tools in Canvas.
Create triage for after-hours support provider, Embanet, to use.
Create support procedures for UNM Canvas Support Team in internal wiki tool.
Continuous documentation updates/improvements to
Create student materials – Student Resources, Overview of Canvas, and Why Can’t I See My Course in Canvas.
Create new instructor materials – Roles in Canvas, Web-Enhance Your Course, How to Get Support, Terms of Use, Start of Semester Checklist, Getting Started, Section Groups, Temp Course, Common Type of Canvas Courses, Why Can’t I or My Students See My Course, and a Comparison Chart.
Update existing instructor resources – What's New in UNM Canvas, Instructor Guide, Migration Options, Migration Cleanup Checklist, External Apps, System Status & Alerts, and There’s a Form for That.
Create several integration help pages (e.g. RedShelf, Kaltura, Zoom, Respondus, etc.).
Continuous adjustment to documentation and support procedures based on user feedback, support trends, and other lessons learned
Summer 2022
Instruction begins in Canvas. All online, hybrid, and web-enhanced courses will be in Canvas starting Summer 2022.
Continue implementation tasks as needed
Fall 2022
All online, hybrid, and web-enhanced courses will be in Canvas in Fall 2022.