Canvas Sandboxes

Sandbox courses are available for instuctors and course assistants. If you don’t see your sandbox when you log in to UNM Canvas please fill out and submit the Sandbox Request Form.

Explore what Canvas has to offer.

While you will see many of the same kinds of tools you use in UNM Learn, Canvas may have new and exciting features to enhance your students' experiences.

This is your chance to get to know UNM’s new LMS, so feel free to click around, make a page, and build a quiz (try out New Quizzes). This sandbox is your place to try new things and is a good way to start to get to know Canvas.

The fine print.

The practice sandboxes have a small file storage quota (209 MB) and each instructor will only get one. The purpose of the sandboxes is for training and getting familiar with Canvas, not for building courses or importing courses from UNM Learn. Temp courses are now available to start building and designing your upcoming courses. The ability to enroll course assistants is not available and third-party tool integrations will be coming at a later date. Students will never have access to these sandboxes; they are purely an experimental space for instructors.