Turnitin Similarity is a plagiarism detection tool. It generates reports after checking students’ assignment submissions against institutional and online databases. If there are instances where a student's writing is similar to, or matches against, any of the sources, Turnitin will highlight it for instructors or TAs to review. Turnitin also flags anomalies such as hidden text and replaced characters.
The Similarity Score itself should not solely be used to determine the academic integrity of a student’s paper. Instead, consider the use of quotations, citations and bibliographic material when reviewing the score. For more information, please visit Interpreting the Similarity Score.
On April 4, 2023, Turnitin added a new AI writing detection tool. If there is a probability that any portion of the document was written by AI, a percentage score will be displayed on the Similarity Report. Clicking the percentage will open a pop-up window with some information about how the score was calculated.
Turnitin's AI disclaimer: The AI writing assessment may not always be accurate (it may misidentify both human and AI-generated text) so it should not be used as the sole basis for adverse actions against a student.
If you suspect academic dishonesty, please refer to UNM Policy in the Faculty Handbook and Pathfinder for the appropriate course of action.
A video of a prior instructor training session is now available to watch.
Note: Legacy submissions from SafeAssign, Blackboard’s plagiarism detection tool (in use at UNM August 2015 – May 2022), were imported into the UNM Turnitin institutional database.
Instructor Documentation
Assignment Setup
Sample Syllabus Statement (coming soon)Creating a Zero Point Draft Assignment
Creating an Assignment that uses Turnitin
Customizing the Similarity Report
How to access the Similarity Report
Setting Similarity Report availability
Submission indexing options
AI Writing DetectionFlags
The Similarity Report
How your students submit to an assignmentAccessing the Similarity Report
Bibliography and quote exclusion definitions
Excluding content from the Similarity Report
Excluding an individual source
Excluding search repositories
Excluding text from the Similarity Report
Re-including a source
Interpreting the Similarity Score
Using the search
Sharing the Report