How to link Connect with your Canvas course and deploy assignments

Before continuing with these instructions, please make sure you have first set up RedShelf and the Connect tool in your course.

  1. Click on the Connect tool in your Course Navigation menu and select the option to launch the tool. 


2. Log in using your Connect instructor account information. If you do not have an account, follow the instructions to create a new one. If you are using Inclusive Access, consult with your Connect Representative for more information.


3. Once you are logged in, you will be prompted to select a Connect course to pair. 



4. Find and select your material and complete the information needed for the course. Click on "Create Course".



5. You will recieve a confirmation that your Canvas course has been succesfully paired with Connect.


Deploying assignments

Once your Connect material has been linked to your course, you can choose to deploy assessments and readings directly to your Canvas course.

1. Click on the Connect link in your Course Navigation Menu. In your Connect Course, click on the Assignments tab.   

2. Here you will see a list of assignments. Click the checkbox next to the assignments that you would like to deploy in your Canvas course. 

3. Click on the paper stack icon (located above the assignment list.) and select the Deploy/Manage option. 



4. On the next page you will be able to review the assignments there were selected to publish and select a Grade Type. Click on the Deploy button once you've confirmed your setting.



5. Your assignments should now appear in your Canvas course under Assignments.