How to integrate Norton activities into your Canvas course

The information below covers the steps neccessary to set up the Norton integration in your course.

INSTRUCTORS: Before you begin:

  • If you are using Inclusive Access, you must have made prior arrangements with the UNM Main Campus Bookstore to utilize Norton materials.
  • This setup should be done prior to your course opening to students in Canvas, so that they have time to access the materials (work out any technical issues), and if they choose to do so, time to opt-out before the opt-out period has ended.
  • Instructors must also create an account (username/ email and password) to be able to log in with W.W. Norton before proceeding with the instructions below. If you do not have one, it is recommended to contact your Norton representative for further assistance.

Before enabling Norton, will first want to follow the instructions to configure RedShelf in your course. Your Norton materials may be given to you in one of two forms:

As a course package that can be uploaded to your course. This typically will contain External Links AND pre-built Canvas assessments. Course packages can be imported into your Canvas course by following these Import instructions.

As a URL
that can be used to create an External Link to your Norton materials via an Assignment 

For a Norton product home page, the URL will look similar to: where "productname" is replaced with the name of the Norton learning tool and "BOOKCODE" is replaced with the code for the book you are using.

For a direct link to a Norton activity, the URL will look similar to: where "NNNNN" is replaced Norton digital learning tool activity.

1. Click on Assignments in your Canvas course menu. 

2. Click on the +Assignment button on the top right.



3. In the Assignment Name field, enter a descriptive name for the activity, (e.g., W. W. Norton, InQuizitive, Smartwork).

4. Enter in the rest of the Assignment settings to your preference.

5. Set the Submission type to External Tool. Paste the URL that was provided to you by your Norton representative in the provided space. 



6. Check the box to Load This Tool In A New Tab.

7. Create the Assignment. Your Norton material product homepage is now set up. As the instructor, you can access this assignment to access the Norton course. Students can use the same link to view and work on their assignments.